He left me his entire estate; an enviable sum which I used to fulfill an old dream. Along with my young wife, Natalie, I upped sticks from suburban Hertfordshire and purchased my dream home on the extreme north coast of Scotland. ... However, during third period, a rotund and pasty-faced student named Melvin (clad in black, with a satchel adorned with such pleasant motifs as ?Cradle of Filth? and ?Reign in Blood?) informed me that I had moved into the most haunted town in ...
Fiecare prezidenţial caracteristică Suite zona privată de luat masa, un lounge spaţioase şi rotund serviciul de ceas majordomul. Interioarele camere va lua înapoi dvs. pentru a culoarului de memorie de epoca Renasterii. ...
Nu am mancat azi, ce-ar fi sa ies, imi iau cartea cu mine, comand o pizza, citesc un pic, mananc si ma intorc la bhotel/b? Zis si facut. Din nou in strada, geanta e mai grea, soarele ma bate in cap, blugii sunt prea grosi pentru vremea b.../b